Booking Policy

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Booking & Deposits

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Appointment Requirements

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During Your Appointment

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Nail Repairs & Service Issues

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Late or No-Show Policy

Frequently Asked Questions

Every set is different. Prices start at $45 for a solid color in a short length and go up with design complexity and length. I always have a sale here and there so be on the lookout for those to get some good deals!

Yes but my set up is very simple so I do not advertise it as much. 

I am in Fort Pierce! I work at a private location so upon booking, I will send you a text and give you my exact address.

Every client is different. I recommend anywhere from 2-3 weeks. Any longer than that may compromise the health of your nails, but I understand budgets are different for everyone. Never feel ashamed to wait a little longer or soak off at home if you need to save some extra cash. I’m happy to serve you however I can! 

Yes! Gel X (also known as gel extensions) can be filled so you don’t have to soak off each time. If you wish to get a fresh set every time, be sure to book a soak off when you set up your appointment.